Pooksoft launches the Serenity Financial Simulation Platform

What is Serenity

The Serenity Platform is an open-source financial modeling and simulation library written in the Julia programming language. Serenity enables users to simulate investment decisions before they make them. Everything we do is open-source and freely available to you. And, yes we give it all away for free.

  • Why? That’s a great question. In the end, we just love to write awesome code that explores a super cool problem that can have a huge impact. Thus, it seems like a shame not to share.

  • So how does Pooksoft make money? That’s also a great question. We use our own tools to build our own investment simulations for our own investment fund. Thus, the same tools we use, you can also use. We don’t make money from you.

  • Julia? For 99.5% of people, the programming language is not important. But to us (the other 0.05%), the language used is super important. Julia is fast, runs on any platform, has the “Big Mo” and a high-quality (growing) package ecosystem. Plus, Julia can talk to other languages such as Python or R in a friction-free way.


Over the next several months Pooksoft will release updates to Serenity the third Friday of every month (a shout out to the expiration of monthly options contracts). The features of the Serenity platform (as they are released) will be illustrated using Pluto Notebooks.

Pluto Notebooks? Besides being awesome, Pluto notebooks allow you to run the examples on any platform, either locally or in the cloud, and they are 100% Julia.

Check out our GitHub page, or the Pooksoft YouTube channel for the latest and greatest on the features, bug fixes, and the timeline of the platform. And stay tuned for our first feature drop later this month.